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LOOK touch monitors are widely used to display dynamic advertising and information content, as well as to organize scenarios of interactive interaction with customers in such industries as: retail, banking, healthcare, education, hospitality industry, catering, fitness clubs, etc.
The main advantages of this line of monitors are: a powerful quad-core processor, high resolution and brightness, good viewing angles, a 10-touch capacitive touch screen with a high response speed, the ability to connect to the Internet via Wifi or LAN
connection, modern appearance and long service life, competitive prices, integration with the LOOK screen remote control service. In an era of accelerating global digitalization, this impressive hardware solution has the potential to become a reliable tool for building an effective channel of communication with the consumer, bringing new business opportunities to increase profitability and increase customer loyalty.
Fully compatible with all the last Look features, incl. layouts 3.0, social plugins and ets.